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Gatherings ...
leaflets & photos
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Jenny MacLean's photos
"We were thrilled to have 37 come along to Butterstone Strawberry Gathering in the hall last Friday night. Our ‘football lounge’ was a success (though the result was disappointing), the music and chat in the big room was really enjoyable … and the supper table spread there was (as always) delicious..." Friday 16th June, 2024
" Though there was an irritating, gusty wind during set up, we ended up with a lovely late afternoon of sunshine! Around 44 locals and 'honorary Butterstonians' gathered for use of BBQ and pizza oven (thanks to John and Graham!) and to enjoy the fantastic array of starters, salads and deserts. Some great music and conversations made the late afternoon/early evening enjoyably complete! Thanks to all who contributed music, food and help." Sunday 18th August 2024
Jenny MacLean's photos...
John McMillan's photos...
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